Monday, December 17, 2007


I stepped barefoot out into the snow filled yard
Not to test myself in endurance, nor to prove I simply could
A longing to compare was what drove my momentum forward
The time passed by so quickly, yet the moment still lingers now
The fabric coverings that guarded my flesh lay now beside their appointed watch
Growing ever smaller in view with each onward step towards the glass closed doors
The sliding rails were rusted with ice; the travel for the doors became slightly delayed
A few moments later the reluctant inanimates came to life by my hard worked hand
Before long my moment of truth glanced my way and time exhaled a sigh
The sensation was astounding; great warmth suddenly withdrew itself
And in its place was a sense of cooled relief
This brilliant moment lasted only briefly and soon the reality kicked in
At first it simply felt cold, until the cold turned into pain and giving in to giving up this experiment was all I could do
Upon the plush carpeted warmth I found my thoughts again
I was right, that feeling was very similar to what I had suspected
My heart is in the snow
There is no fabric to shield my bared flesh

-j.g.smith (12/17/07)

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