Sunday, January 20, 2008

So, another birthday arrives OR I'd rather wake up tomorrow thanks

Well, it appears despite my best efforts (no I have not attempted suicide, but simply continuing to wake up is dangerous enough to my health) that I am still around to see 31.

Yes today is my 31st birthday...let the bells ring out and the banners fly :(

Alright maybe things are not all bad, however I have just become unemployed before this day. Yeah. Seriously though, and while I am sure I have thought this each year thus far, this year is starting out with promise and should be good...maybe, I should not set myself up.

So, here is what I have decided. No more hiding from birthdays as if they meant something harsh. From here on in I will not lament the fact that the number increases each year, but celebrate the reality that despite that I still draw breath.

Age upon the face of man draws ever near a close
though dewdrops drip from tree leaf dawn
a teardrop ever in heart flows

Upon the face of time itself,
a hand waves quickly passed
the smiling countenance of numeric dusk

Be not afraid, no scorn beholds you
each wrinkle added, each liberated hair
a trophy of resilience
take pride

Step to the door, exhale a sigh
inhale the world upon which you trod
and know that you dance within the hands of God

-j.g.smith (01/20/08)

1 comment:

Inkslinger said...

I'm glad you've decided on such a practical approach to birthdays. They are going to keep on arriving whether one likes it or not. And then, once they stop, it's not really an improvement. :)

I'm not sure I'm going to be thrilled about turning another year older (especially away from home), but being alive in general isn't so bad.