Sunday, February 03, 2008


I’ve held some dust that was your ash and sent you upon the wings of windblown fantasy to travel one last time.

The sunset stayed while you, long passed, sailed across the ocean, this time without me.

A silent drive upon a lightless road made all the more dark by an empty seat.

Your gentle breathing, a hand upon my thigh, the simple journeys once timeless, now stand as daunting as infinity.

Not many days have passed since my last moment within your eyes; while my heart still speaks of you dearly, my mind tries at times to fill in the silhouette upon its wall.

The dog looks for you, his eyes startle my heart; such sorrow I am glad you cannot see.

Life, as glass, though even in its still appearance is never at rest; I fear this is my life now without you.

You were my rest, the world stood aside within your arms, your eyes…my love.

I can’t bring myself to clean and put away the last teacup from which you sipped; beside your favourite chair it sits upon the side table. The sun still visits, as you enjoyed.

How I stare at the clouds and wish they would part in an unfathomable brilliance that would render that urn useless!

Continue to be at rest my love, these flowers are more for my peace than yours.

-j.g.smith (02/03/08)

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