Friday, August 08, 2008


Scars, once wounds, now long since healed. Such depth they once had.
Outward impact caused inward pain.
How rarely we see the blessing in the thorn.
I stood upon my choices, until I kneeled upon my pride; Hands tightly clasped I found my way.
The years before now may have felt like a blockade, yet without such perceived hardships how could I have crumbled these walls?
As I stand before the mirror of my peers, reflections of my past glare back at me. I am more now than the less I once was.
I chose. I choose.
Salt stained windows now reveal my true soul; the water now falls at my command.
While darkness may always loom nearby, the shadows now serve as illumination.
No longer do I lay in waiting for things to pass, but now I stand in defiance and face them head on; this is MY road, this is MY path and nothing shall ever again detour me.
Upon my knees with hands tightly clasped, my scars now long since healed.
The blessing, I chose. The blessing, I choose.
A thorn can never bleed me dry.

-j.g.smith (08/08/08)

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