Friday, February 27, 2009

before (this moment)

Sometimes in life you have to stand upon the edge of hope and risk the chance that your dreams may tumble over into the abyss.

I found myself reminded of this thought as I stood upon that very edge...again.

Having lost everything the last time, and several times prior, I had even less to lose than ever before. Never before have I had so much to be lost.

How do we arrive at these moments?
How does life find a way to break you down until you think you can go no further?

I have walked. I have run. I have leapt through societal hoops and worn the masks of psychological warfare.

This...this very moment is what it has all been leading up to. If it isn’t then I am doomed to do it all over again, differently. Exactly the same as I had to before.

I say a silent prayer, despite claiming no religion as my own, and step out one last time again.

Perhaps this is the one.

I inhale a great breath of air and hold it captive as I wait.

-j.g.smith (02/27/09)

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